Two Info Days scheduled in December for the 1st AGRARIAN Open Call!

As the first AGRARIAN Open Call was launched on December 1st, the project is organizing two informational webinars, for interested applicants with experts from the corresponding domains of the project who will provide useful information and tips concerning the Open Cal submission process and
Use the Platform for the submission of proposals.

More specifically, the 1st info day webinar took place on 9 December at 11.00 CET and entailed information on:
TestBed 3: Satellite Edge AI Compute Emulation Testbed
DataSet: Thermal & Multispectral EO Dataset (LANDSAT) & associated historical weather and land elevation data
How to apply and Q&A.

Watch the webinar recording here:

The 2nd Info Day webinar will take place on 19 December at 11.00 CET and will entail information on:
TestBed 1: Geosynchronous Satellite Communications with EDGE capabilities
TestBed 2: Non-Geosynchronous Orbit (NGSO) Satellite Communications with EDGE capabilities
TestBed 4: SEED-5G: SpaceEdge AI-Enabled Delay-Tolerant NB-IoT Platform
How to apply and Q&A.

Register for the second Info Day here

Zoom Link for the meeting:

The recordings of the webinars will later be uploaded on the AGRARIAN Open Calls page.
Stay tuned for updates on AGRARIAN’s social media: LinkedIn, X

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